OLKA x Friends.

Our vision: a world free from bullying.

Spreading the word about the importance of bullying prevention.

OLKA Sportresor collaborates with Friends to address the social part of sustainability. Friends is an organisation dedicated to preventing bullying among children and young people. Bullying can be present everywhere – in school, online and during sports practice. That is why Friends works to equip children and adults with insights and tools to help them stop and prevent bullying everywhere.

Sports should bring happiness, togetherness, and meaning. Yet, bullying is one common reason why children choose to quit a sport. Spreading joy through sports is at the heart of what OLKA Sportresor does. We support Friends with a donation for each traveller, but also by spreading the word about the importance of bullying prevention to everyone who travels with us. Because the more people that join the fight against bullying, the more children can experience the joy and positivity that sports can bring.

Together against bullying!

We all play a part in the fight against bullying. By sharing knowledge, insight, and experience on how to stop and prevent bullying, we give people courage to stand up and take action for what is right.

Join our mission to create a safe world for our children – a world free from bullying.